September 2009
I'm feeling broodier than ever and despite originally saying we'd wait until December, I persuade M to start now. He thinks about it for a while and agrees, giving me a silver bracelet with two diamonds and hearts, symbolically fused. This is the start of our quest for Stanley and Lucy, although their names don't materialise for a while.
December 2009
We marry on a lovely day on our 6th Anniversary of being together, exactly 1 year since our engagement and 2 years since moving into our first home together.
We marry on a lovely day on our 6th Anniversary of being together, exactly 1 year since our engagement and 2 years since moving into our first home together.
My mum dies suddenly from complications for breast cancer.
January 2010
I find out that I am 4 weeks pregnant. Overjoyed! We did it on cycle 4 of TTC.
February 2010
I start spotting then bleeding after I've known about the pregnancy for a week. It is a confirmed miscarriage, or chemical pregnancy through blood tests at the hospital.
I start spotting then bleeding after I've known about the pregnancy for a week. It is a confirmed miscarriage, or chemical pregnancy through blood tests at the hospital.
April 2010
We go on honeymoon, hoping to bring back a honeymoon baby.
We go on honeymoon, hoping to bring back a honeymoon baby.
August 2010
I'm starting to get concerned that we're onto cycle 11 and no baby yet. I decided to get us tested. I have cycle day 3 and day 21 bloods, both seem fine. M does a semen analysis.
I'm starting to get concerned that we're onto cycle 11 and no baby yet. I decided to get us tested. I have cycle day 3 and day 21 bloods, both seem fine. M does a semen analysis.
September 2010
The results are in for the semen analysis. It's not good news. The count was 4 million per ml where a normally fertile person's is around 40 million, with 20 million being the cut off point for fertility.
The results are in for the semen analysis. It's not good news. The count was 4 million per ml where a normally fertile person's is around 40 million, with 20 million being the cut off point for fertility.
We decide to repeat the test, especially given that the first time we didn't folllow all the instructions. The second result is worse: 1 million per ml, 1% morphology (the cut off is about 15%), and 36% motility (the fertile range is >50%). We are referred to the fertility clinic.
December 2010
First appointment with the consultant who discusses the results and recommends us for ICSI treatment. We are put on the waiting list, which is about 6 months.
January 2011
I have my anomaly scan. I have lots of antral (resting) follicles on each ovary, no sign of any problems (polyps, hydrosalpinx, fibroids, cysts).
I have my anomaly scan. I have lots of antral (resting) follicles on each ovary, no sign of any problems (polyps, hydrosalpinx, fibroids, cysts).
March 2011
10th March: We attend the hospital's IVF information session.
16th March: We get our top of the waiting list appointment for May 31st. We can't make it so I phoned to change it and we got a next day cancellation appointment.
17th March: We saw the consultant who went through the treatment and collected the consent forms. I will be on the long protocol - starting on the contraceptive pill, then buserelin injections to down regulate my own menstrual cycle, then menopor injections to over-stimulate my ovaries. I will also be taking metformin (which is for polycystic ovaries) to prevent OHSS (Ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome). He gave us a 36% chance of success in our age bracket (under 35s).
The next day I arranged our appointment schedule and we will be starting the IVF cycle at the start of my period on or around the 10th May 2011.
April 2011
M goes for a repeat semen analysis, this time at the IVF lab. Despite vitamins and minerals and a healthier diet there is little improvement (count 2 million per ml, morphology 4% (borderline normal apparently!) and motility 39%). We got to see them under the microscope! Plenty there for ICSI!
May 2011
IVF starts with me being on the contraceptive pill (ironic!). Then when we're in France I start buserelin injections. These continue for two and a half weeks before I start the stimulation injections.
June 2011 The buserelin injections continue and then the stimulation injections (Menopur). Egg Collection was on the 27th June and they collected 31 eggs and injected 23, 17 of which fertilised normally. We had a perfect 4-celled embryo transferred two days later and ended up having 12 4-celled embryos frozen.
July 2011
I was hospitalised on the 8th of July for one night due to mild-moderate OHSS and then again on the 11-13 July for moderate-severe OHSS. I had a positive blood test (hCG at 98) on the 11th July, did a ClearBlue digital with conception indicator ("Pregnant 1-2") on the 13th of July. Official test day was the 15th of July but the test line was barely visible and almost invisible. We re-tested on the 16th July with a digital "Pregnant" and two very strong lines. Next steps? A seven week scan in August.
August 2011
On the 8/8 we have our 8 week scan. We officially decided that this was both the worst and best days of our lives - worst because we both said that we have never been so scared and anxious, the best because we saw a baby in there - measuring 7 weeks 5 days!
First Midwife appointment!
September 2011
We have a private scan due to a tiny, minuscule amount of bleeding. A gorgeous baby seen! We also have another hospital emergency scan and the Nuchal Fold Scan (test for Down's) all in the same week. Big sighs of relief all round.
October 2011
I turn 28. And I'm happy!
November 2011
20 week scan and all is looking good!
I take a tumble at work but all is ok. I start counselling for anxiety.
Nursery furniture was ordered and we've started to buy things!
December 2011
Happy Christmas! And it is happy!
January 2012
The countdown for leaving work starts!
February 2012
We have a lovely 34 week scan! The nursery is almost finished. I finish work!
March 2012
We have a hospital talk and tour, almost exactly a year since the IVF talk. Due date fast approaching!
June 2011 The buserelin injections continue and then the stimulation injections (Menopur). Egg Collection was on the 27th June and they collected 31 eggs and injected 23, 17 of which fertilised normally. We had a perfect 4-celled embryo transferred two days later and ended up having 12 4-celled embryos frozen.
July 2011
I was hospitalised on the 8th of July for one night due to mild-moderate OHSS and then again on the 11-13 July for moderate-severe OHSS. I had a positive blood test (hCG at 98) on the 11th July, did a ClearBlue digital with conception indicator ("Pregnant 1-2") on the 13th of July. Official test day was the 15th of July but the test line was barely visible and almost invisible. We re-tested on the 16th July with a digital "Pregnant" and two very strong lines. Next steps? A seven week scan in August.
August 2011
On the 8/8 we have our 8 week scan. We officially decided that this was both the worst and best days of our lives - worst because we both said that we have never been so scared and anxious, the best because we saw a baby in there - measuring 7 weeks 5 days!
First Midwife appointment!
September 2011
We have a private scan due to a tiny, minuscule amount of bleeding. A gorgeous baby seen! We also have another hospital emergency scan and the Nuchal Fold Scan (test for Down's) all in the same week. Big sighs of relief all round.
October 2011
I turn 28. And I'm happy!
November 2011
20 week scan and all is looking good!
I take a tumble at work but all is ok. I start counselling for anxiety.
Nursery furniture was ordered and we've started to buy things!
December 2011
Happy Christmas! And it is happy!
January 2012
The countdown for leaving work starts!
February 2012
We have a lovely 34 week scan! The nursery is almost finished. I finish work!
March 2012
We have a hospital talk and tour, almost exactly a year since the IVF talk. Due date fast approaching!